Functions | Variables

/net/fileserver/nas/home/mdh/vrq/src/main.cc File Reference


void ParseArguments (int argc, const char **argv)
void shell_assert (const char *filename, int linenumber)
void shell_xfree (void *p, int s)
void * shell_xmalloc (int s)
void PrintUsage (void)
const char * VrqVersionString ()
 Plugins should not be using these.
void GetPluginPaths (list< string > &paths)
void GetPlusArgs (const char *prefix, list< string > &args)
char * GetPlusArg (const char *prefix)
 Get plusarg from command line that matches prefix.
void AddPlusArg (const char *s)
int PlusArgMatch (const char *s1, const char *s2)
void ValidatePlusArgs ()
void DumpWarningList ()
void ParseWarningSwitch (const char *s)
void ReadArgumentFile (const char *filename)
CNodeLoad (const char *filename, int direct, int included)
static CNode_Resolve (CModule *module, int reportError)
static CNodeResolveModuleList (CBackend *tool, CNode *n, int reportError)
static int ModulesResolved (CBackend *tool, CNode *n)
void LoadTools ()
static void DumpCode (FILE *f, CNode *n)
int main (int argc, char **argv)


map< string, CBackend * > tools
CObstack thePermStack ("permStack")
CObstackpermStack = &thePermStack
CObstack theUnitStack ("unitStack")
CObstackunitStack = &theUnitStack
CObstack thePluginStack ("pluginStack")
CObstackpluginStack = &thePluginStack
CObstack theTokenStack ("tokenStack")
CObstacktokenStack = &theTokenStack
FILE * logfile = stdout
CSymtab< CMacromacroSymtab
CSymtab< CDeclcuSymtab
CSymtab< CDecldefinitionSymtab = cuSymtab
list< CBackend * > enabledTools
list< string > pragmas
set< string > pragmaTickDefines
list< string > pluginPaths
int totalMem = 0
const CSymbol ** fileList = NULL
const CSymbol ** libSearchList = NULL
const CSymbol ** libFileSearchList = NULL
const CSymbol ** incSearchList = NULL
const CSymbol ** libExtList = NULL
static char whiteSpace [] = " \t\f\n\r"
INT32 argNestLevel
vector< const CSymbol * > aFileList
vector< const CSymbol * > aLibSearchList
vector< const CSymbol * > aLibFileSearchList
vector< const CSymbol * > aIncSearchList
vector< const CSymbol * > aLibExtList
CNodecodeList = NULL
CSymtab< CDeclportSymtab
CSymtab< CDeclfrefSymtab
int errorCount = 0
int warningCount = 0
int dumpFlag = FALSE
int debugFlag = FALSE
int quietFlag = FALSE
int inferVectors = FALSE
int macrocheck = FALSE
DelayMode_t delayMode = eTYP_DELAY
const char * outputPath = NULL
const char * outputDirectory = NULL
vector< char * > plusArgs
int modulesDirectlyDefined
int modulesIncluded
int ignoreVrqComments = 0
int verboseFlag = FALSE
int svEnable = FALSE
int keepMacros
int keepMacroDefinitions
static MessagemILLPA
static MessagemILLWS
static MessagemILLSW
static MessagemINAST
CDumpVerilog * dumpVerilog
CSim * sim
char copyright [] = "\n\n"
static const char * vrqVersion = VERSION
set< string > loadedFiles
static set< lt_dlhandle > toolHandles

Function Documentation

static CNode* _Resolve ( CModule module,
int  reportError 
) [static]
void AddPlusArg ( const char *  s  ) 
static void DumpCode ( FILE *  f,
CNode n 
) [static]
void DumpWarningList (  ) 
void GetPluginPaths ( list< string > &  paths  ) 
void GetPlusArgs ( const char *  prefix,
list< string > &  args 
CNode* Load ( const char *  filename,
int  direct,
int  included 
void LoadTools (  ) 
int main ( int  argc,
char **  argv 
static int ModulesResolved ( CBackend tool,
CNode n 
) [static]
void ParseArguments ( int  argc,
const char **  argv 
void ParseWarningSwitch ( const char *  s  ) 
int PlusArgMatch ( const char *  s1,
const char *  s2 
void PrintUsage ( void   ) 
void ReadArgumentFile ( const char *  filename  ) 
static CNode* ResolveModuleList ( CBackend tool,
CNode n,
int  reportError 
) [static]
void shell_assert ( const char *  filename,
int  linenumber 
void shell_xfree ( void *  p,
int  s 
void* shell_xmalloc ( int  s  ) 
void ValidatePlusArgs (  ) 

Variable Documentation

vector<const CSymbol*> aFileList
vector<const CSymbol*> aIncSearchList
vector<const CSymbol*> aLibExtList
vector<const CSymbol*> aLibFileSearchList
vector<const CSymbol*> aLibSearchList
CNode* codeList = NULL
char copyright[] = "\n\n"
int debugFlag = FALSE
DelayMode_t delayMode = eTYP_DELAY
int dumpFlag = FALSE
CDumpVerilog* dumpVerilog
int errorCount = 0
const CSymbol** fileList = NULL
const CSymbol** incSearchList = NULL
int inferVectors = FALSE
const CSymbol** libExtList = NULL
const CSymbol** libFileSearchList = NULL
const CSymbol** libSearchList = NULL
set<string> loadedFiles
FILE* logfile = stdout
int macrocheck = FALSE
Message* mILLPA [static]
Initial value:
 Message::RegisterWarning( NULL, 
                Message::eERROR, "ILLPA",
                "%s is an illegal command line plusarg",
                "<plusarg>", 0 )
Message* mILLSW [static]
Initial value:
 Message::RegisterWarning( NULL, 
                Message::eERROR, "ILLSW",
                "%s is an illegal command line switch",
                "<switch>", 0 )
Message* mILLWS [static]
Initial value:
 Message::RegisterWarning( NULL, 
                Message::eERROR, "ILLWS",
                "%s is an illegal warning specification",
                "<warning switch>", 0 )
Message* mINAST [static]
Initial value:
 Message::RegisterWarning( NULL, 
                Message::eERROR, "INAST",
                "%s is not a supported tool",
                "<tool>", 0 )
const char* outputDirectory = NULL
const char* outputPath = NULL
list<string> pluginPaths
vector<char*> plusArgs
list<string> pragmas
set<string> pragmaTickDefines
int quietFlag = FALSE
CSim* sim
int svEnable = FALSE
CObstack thePermStack("permStack")
CObstack thePluginStack("pluginStack")
CObstack theTokenStack("tokenStack")
CObstack theUnitStack("unitStack")
set<lt_dlhandle> toolHandles [static]
map<string,CBackend*> tools
int totalMem = 0
int verboseFlag = FALSE
const char* vrqVersion = VERSION [static]
int warningCount = 0
char whiteSpace[] = " \t\f\n\r" [static]