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Functions | |
CNode * | cVECTOR (CVector &vec) |
Short cut for creating VCONSTANT node with a given vector value. | |
CNode * | cSTRING (const char *s) |
Short cut for creating VCONSTANT node with a given string value. | |
CNode * | cINT32 (INT32 i) |
Short cut for creating VCONSTANT node with a given integer value. | |
CNode * | cREAL (double number) |
Short cut for creating RCONSTANT node with a given double value. | |
CNode * | cELINK (CNode *n1, CNode *n2) |
Link together two nodes with an ELIST operator. | |
CNode * | cABS (CNode *a) |
Short cut for creating an subtree that calculates the absolute value of an expression. | |
CNode * | cABSDIFF (CNode *a, CNode *b) |
Short cut for creating an subtree that calculates the absolute difference between two expressions. | |
CNode * | cLINK (CNode *n1, CNode *n2) |
Short cut for linking together to nodes with a LIST operator. | |
CNode * | cMAX (CNode *n1, CNode *n2) |
Short cut for creating a expression tree that calculates the maximum of two expressions. | |
CNode * | cERROR (Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for ERROR error node. | |
CNode * | cERROR (CObstack *heap, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for ERROR error node. | |
CNode * | cVCONSTANT (CVector *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for VCONSTANT vector constant. | |
CNode * | cVCONSTANT (CObstack *heap, CVector *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for VCONSTANT vector constant. | |
CNode * | cRCONSTANT (char *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for RCONSTANT real constant. | |
CNode * | cRCONSTANT (CObstack *heap, char *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for RCONSTANT real constant. | |
CNode * | cCOMMENT (const char *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for COMMENT comment. | |
CNode * | cCOMMENT (CObstack *heap, const char *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for COMMENT comment. | |
CNode * | cVRQ (const char *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for VRQ vrq comment. | |
CNode * | cVRQ (CObstack *heap, const char *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for VRQ vrq comment. | |
CNode * | cPRAGMA (const char *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for PRAGMA program pragma. | |
CNode * | cPRAGMA (CObstack *heap, const char *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for PRAGMA program pragma. | |
CNode * | cELIST (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for ELIST expression list. | |
CNode * | cELIST (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for ELIST expression list. | |
CNode * | cWIDTH (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for WIDTH expression width change. | |
CNode * | cWIDTH (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for WIDTH expression width change. | |
CNode * | cNOP (Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for NOP no operation. | |
CNode * | cNOP (CObstack *heap, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for NOP no operation. | |
CNode * | cSUB (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for SUB subtract. | |
CNode * | cSUB (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for SUB subtract. | |
CNode * | cMUL (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for MUL multiply. | |
CNode * | cMUL (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for MUL multiply. | |
CNode * | cDIV (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for DIV divide. | |
CNode * | cDIV (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for DIV divide. | |
CNode * | cPOW (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for POW exponent. | |
CNode * | cPOW (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for POW exponent. | |
CNode * | cADD (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for ADD addition. | |
CNode * | cADD (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for ADD addition. | |
CNode * | cLSH (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for LSH logical left shift. | |
CNode * | cLSH (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for LSH logical left shift. | |
CNode * | cRSH (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for RSH logical right shift. | |
CNode * | cRSH (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for RSH logical right shift. | |
CNode * | cLSHA (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for LSHA arithmetic left shift. | |
CNode * | cLSHA (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for LSHA arithmetic left shift. | |
CNode * | cRSHA (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for RSHA arithmetic right shift. | |
CNode * | cRSHA (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for RSHA arithmetic right shift. | |
CNode * | cMOD (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for MOD modulus. | |
CNode * | cMOD (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for MOD modulus. | |
CNode * | cOR (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for OR bitwise or. | |
CNode * | cOR (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for OR bitwise or. | |
CNode * | cAND (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for AND bitwise and. | |
CNode * | cAND (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for AND bitwise and. | |
CNode * | cANDANDAND (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for ANDANDAND triple and. | |
CNode * | cANDANDAND (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for ANDANDAND triple and. | |
CNode * | cXOR (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for XOR bitwise xor. | |
CNode * | cXOR (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for XOR bitwise xor. | |
CNode * | cXNOR (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for XNOR bitwise xnor. | |
CNode * | cXNOR (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for XNOR bitwise xnor. | |
CNode * | cINSTANCE_REF (CInstance *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for INSTANCE_REF instance reference. | |
CNode * | cINSTANCE_REF (CObstack *heap, CInstance *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for INSTANCE_REF instance reference. | |
CNode * | cGATE_REF (CGate *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for GATE_REF gate instance. | |
CNode * | cGATE_REF (CObstack *heap, CGate *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for GATE_REF gate instance. | |
CNode * | cTASK_ENABLE (CSymbol *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for TASK_ENABLE call to a task. | |
CNode * | cTASK_ENABLE (CObstack *heap, CSymbol *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for TASK_ENABLE call to a task. | |
CNode * | cSYSTASK_CALL (CSymbol *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for SYSTASK_CALL call to enable a systask. | |
CNode * | cSYSTASK_CALL (CObstack *heap, CSymbol *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for SYSTASK_CALL call to enable a systask. | |
CNode * | cTIMING_CALL (CSymbol *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for TIMING_CALL call to a timing task. | |
CNode * | cTIMING_CALL (CObstack *heap, CSymbol *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for TIMING_CALL call to a timing task. | |
CNode * | cFUNCTION_CALL (CSymbol *a0, CNode *a1, CScope *a2, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for FUNCTION_CALL call to a function. | |
CNode * | cFUNCTION_CALL (CObstack *heap, CSymbol *a0, CNode *a1, CScope *a2, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for FUNCTION_CALL call to a function. | |
CNode * | cARRAY (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for ARRAY dimensioned reference (array/bit select). | |
CNode * | cARRAY (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for ARRAY dimensioned reference (array/bit select). | |
CNode * | cNET_REF (CNet *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for NET_REF reference to net. | |
CNode * | cNET_REF (CObstack *heap, CNet *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for NET_REF reference to net. | |
CNode * | cVAR_REF (CVar *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for VAR_REF reference to variable. | |
CNode * | cVAR_REF (CObstack *heap, CVar *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for VAR_REF reference to variable. | |
CNode * | cPARAM_REF (CParam *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for PARAM_REF reference to parameter. | |
CNode * | cPARAM_REF (CObstack *heap, CParam *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for PARAM_REF reference to parameter. | |
CNode * | cPORT_REF (CPortDir *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for PORT_REF reference to port. | |
CNode * | cPORT_REF (CObstack *heap, CPortDir *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for PORT_REF reference to port. | |
CNode * | cFWD_REF (CFref *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for FWD_REF reference to a forward declared variable. | |
CNode * | cFWD_REF (CObstack *heap, CFref *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for FWD_REF reference to a forward declared variable. | |
CNode * | cGENVAR_REF (CGenvar *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for GENVAR_REF reference to a genvar. | |
CNode * | cGENVAR_REF (CObstack *heap, CGenvar *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for GENVAR_REF reference to a genvar. | |
CNode * | cENUM_REF (CEnum *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for ENUM_REF reference to a enum. | |
CNode * | cENUM_REF (CObstack *heap, CEnum *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for ENUM_REF reference to a enum. | |
CNode * | cTYPE_REF (CTypedef *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for TYPE_REF reference to a type. | |
CNode * | cTYPE_REF (CObstack *heap, CTypedef *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for TYPE_REF reference to a type. | |
CNode * | cNET_DECL (CNet *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for NET_DECL net declaration. | |
CNode * | cNET_DECL (CObstack *heap, CNet *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for NET_DECL net declaration. | |
CNode * | cVAR_DECL (CVar *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for VAR_DECL variable declaration. | |
CNode * | cVAR_DECL (CObstack *heap, CVar *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for VAR_DECL variable declaration. | |
CNode * | cPARAM_DECL (CParam *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for PARAM_DECL parameter declaration. | |
CNode * | cPARAM_DECL (CObstack *heap, CParam *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for PARAM_DECL parameter declaration. | |
CNode * | cSPECPARAM_DECL (CParam *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for SPECPARAM_DECL specify parameter declaration. | |
CNode * | cSPECPARAM_DECL (CObstack *heap, CParam *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for SPECPARAM_DECL specify parameter declaration. | |
CNode * | cPORT_DECL (CPortDir *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for PORT_DECL port declaration. | |
CNode * | cPORT_DECL (CObstack *heap, CPortDir *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for PORT_DECL port declaration. | |
CNode * | cGENVAR_DECL (CGenvar *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for GENVAR_DECL genvar declaration. | |
CNode * | cGENVAR_DECL (CObstack *heap, CGenvar *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for GENVAR_DECL genvar declaration. | |
CNode * | cTYPEDEF_DECL (CTypedef *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for TYPEDEF_DECL type declaration. | |
CNode * | cTYPEDEF_DECL (CObstack *heap, CTypedef *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for TYPEDEF_DECL type declaration. | |
CNode * | cLIST (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for LIST list of nodes. | |
CNode * | cLIST (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for LIST list of nodes. | |
CNode * | cRANGE (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for RANGE vector decl range specification. | |
CNode * | cRANGE (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for RANGE vector decl range specification. | |
CNode * | cSLICE (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for SLICE vector subrange. | |
CNode * | cSLICE (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for SLICE vector subrange. | |
CNode * | cPSLICE (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for PSLICE vector subrange with ascending index select. | |
CNode * | cPSLICE (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for PSLICE vector subrange with ascending index select. | |
CNode * | cMSLICE (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for MSLICE vector subrange with descending index select. | |
CNode * | cMSLICE (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for MSLICE vector subrange with descending index select. | |
CNode * | cCVRI (CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for CVRI convert real to integer. | |
CNode * | cCVRI (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for CVRI convert real to integer. | |
CNode * | cCVIR (CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for CVIR convert integer to real. | |
CNode * | cCVIR (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for CVIR convert integer to real. | |
CNode * | cREP (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for REP replication operator. | |
CNode * | cREP (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for REP replication operator. | |
CNode * | cCAT (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for CAT concatenation operator. | |
CNode * | cCAT (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for CAT concatenation operator. | |
CNode * | cUCAT (CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for UCAT unary concat. | |
CNode * | cUCAT (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for UCAT unary concat. | |
CNode * | cCOM (CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for COM bitwise complement. | |
CNode * | cCOM (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for COM bitwise complement. | |
CNode * | cNEG (CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for NEG negation. | |
CNode * | cNEG (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for NEG negation. | |
CNode * | cPLUS (CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for PLUS unary plus. | |
CNode * | cPLUS (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for PLUS unary plus. | |
CNode * | cNOT (CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for NOT logical complement. | |
CNode * | cNOT (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for NOT logical complement. | |
CNode * | cGT (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for GT greater than. | |
CNode * | cGT (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for GT greater than. | |
CNode * | cGE (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for GE greater than or equal. | |
CNode * | cGE (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for GE greater than or equal. | |
CNode * | cLT (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for LT less than. | |
CNode * | cLT (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for LT less than. | |
CNode * | cLE (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for LE less than or equal. | |
CNode * | cLE (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for LE less than or equal. | |
CNode * | cLAND (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for LAND logical and. | |
CNode * | cLAND (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for LAND logical and. | |
CNode * | cLOR (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for LOR logical or. | |
CNode * | cLOR (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for LOR logical or. | |
CNode * | cCEQ (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for CEQ case equal. | |
CNode * | cCEQ (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for CEQ case equal. | |
CNode * | cCNE (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for CNE case not equal. | |
CNode * | cCNE (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for CNE case not equal. | |
CNode * | cEQ (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for EQ equal. | |
CNode * | cEQ (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for EQ equal. | |
CNode * | cNE (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for NE not equal. | |
CNode * | cNE (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for NE not equal. | |
CNode * | cRAND (CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for RAND reduction and. | |
CNode * | cRAND (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for RAND reduction and. | |
CNode * | cRNAND (CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for RNAND reduction nand. | |
CNode * | cRNAND (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for RNAND reduction nand. | |
CNode * | cROR (CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for ROR reduction or. | |
CNode * | cROR (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for ROR reduction or. | |
CNode * | cRNOR (CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for RNOR reduction nor. | |
CNode * | cRNOR (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for RNOR reduction nor. | |
CNode * | cRXOR (CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for RXOR reduction xor. | |
CNode * | cRXOR (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for RXOR reduction xor. | |
CNode * | cRXNOR (CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for RXNOR reduction xnor. | |
CNode * | cRXNOR (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for RXNOR reduction xnor. | |
CNode * | cHOOK (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, CNode *a2, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for HOOK condition expression operator. | |
CNode * | cHOOK (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, CNode *a2, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for HOOK condition expression operator. | |
CNode * | cINIT (CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for INIT initial block. | |
CNode * | cINIT (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for INIT initial block. | |
CNode * | cALWAYS (CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for ALWAYS always block. | |
CNode * | cALWAYS (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for ALWAYS always block. | |
CNode * | cALWAYS_LATCH (CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for ALWAYS_LATCH always latch block. | |
CNode * | cALWAYS_LATCH (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for ALWAYS_LATCH always latch block. | |
CNode * | cALWAYS_FF (CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for ALWAYS_FF always flip-flop block. | |
CNode * | cALWAYS_FF (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for ALWAYS_FF always flip-flop block. | |
CNode * | cALWAYS_COMB (CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for ALWAYS_COMB always combinational logic block. | |
CNode * | cALWAYS_COMB (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for ALWAYS_COMB always combinational logic block. | |
CNode * | cEVENT (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for EVENT event statement. | |
CNode * | cEVENT (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for EVENT event statement. | |
CNode * | cBLOCK_REF (CBlock *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for BLOCK_REF statement block. | |
CNode * | cBLOCK_REF (CObstack *heap, CBlock *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for BLOCK_REF statement block. | |
CNode * | cSPECIFY_REF (CSpecify *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for SPECIFY_REF specify block. | |
CNode * | cSPECIFY_REF (CObstack *heap, CSpecify *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for SPECIFY_REF specify block. | |
CNode * | cASSIGN (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, CNode *a2, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for ASSIGN procedural assignment. | |
CNode * | cASSIGN (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, CNode *a2, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for ASSIGN procedural assignment. | |
CNode * | cADD_ASSIGN (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, CNode *a2, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for ADD_ASSIGN procedural assignment with add. | |
CNode * | cADD_ASSIGN (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, CNode *a2, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for ADD_ASSIGN procedural assignment with add. | |
CNode * | cSUB_ASSIGN (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, CNode *a2, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for SUB_ASSIGN procedural assignment with subtract. | |
CNode * | cSUB_ASSIGN (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, CNode *a2, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for SUB_ASSIGN procedural assignment with subtract. | |
CNode * | cMUL_ASSIGN (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, CNode *a2, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for MUL_ASSIGN procedural assignment with mul. | |
CNode * | cMUL_ASSIGN (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, CNode *a2, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for MUL_ASSIGN procedural assignment with mul. | |
CNode * | cDIV_ASSIGN (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, CNode *a2, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for DIV_ASSIGN procedural assignment with div. | |
CNode * | cDIV_ASSIGN (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, CNode *a2, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for DIV_ASSIGN procedural assignment with div. | |
CNode * | cMOD_ASSIGN (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, CNode *a2, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for MOD_ASSIGN procedural assignment with mod. | |
CNode * | cMOD_ASSIGN (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, CNode *a2, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for MOD_ASSIGN procedural assignment with mod. | |
CNode * | cAND_ASSIGN (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, CNode *a2, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for AND_ASSIGN procedural assignment with bitwise and. | |
CNode * | cAND_ASSIGN (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, CNode *a2, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for AND_ASSIGN procedural assignment with bitwise and. | |
CNode * | cOR_ASSIGN (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, CNode *a2, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for OR_ASSIGN procedural assignment with bitwise or. | |
CNode * | cOR_ASSIGN (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, CNode *a2, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for OR_ASSIGN procedural assignment with bitwise or. | |
CNode * | cXOR_ASSIGN (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, CNode *a2, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for XOR_ASSIGN procedural assignment with bitwise xor. | |
CNode * | cXOR_ASSIGN (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, CNode *a2, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for XOR_ASSIGN procedural assignment with bitwise xor. | |
CNode * | cLSH_ASSIGN (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, CNode *a2, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for LSH_ASSIGN procedural assignment with left shift. | |
CNode * | cLSH_ASSIGN (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, CNode *a2, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for LSH_ASSIGN procedural assignment with left shift. | |
CNode * | cRSH_ASSIGN (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, CNode *a2, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for RSH_ASSIGN procedural assignment with right shift. | |
CNode * | cRSH_ASSIGN (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, CNode *a2, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for RSH_ASSIGN procedural assignment with right shift. | |
CNode * | cLSHA_ASSIGN (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, CNode *a2, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for LSHA_ASSIGN procedural assignment with left arithmetic shift. | |
CNode * | cLSHA_ASSIGN (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, CNode *a2, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for LSHA_ASSIGN procedural assignment with left arithmetic shift. | |
CNode * | cRSHA_ASSIGN (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, CNode *a2, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for RSHA_ASSIGN procedural assignment with right arithmetic shift. | |
CNode * | cRSHA_ASSIGN (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, CNode *a2, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for RSHA_ASSIGN procedural assignment with right arithmetic shift. | |
CNode * | cFORCE (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for FORCE force statement. | |
CNode * | cFORCE (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for FORCE force statement. | |
CNode * | cRELEASE (CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for RELEASE release statement. | |
CNode * | cRELEASE (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for RELEASE release statement. | |
CNode * | cNBASSIGN (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, CNode *a2, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for NBASSIGN nonblocking assignment. | |
CNode * | cNBASSIGN (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, CNode *a2, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for NBASSIGN nonblocking assignment. | |
CNode * | cPOSEDGE (CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for POSEDGE positive event qualifier. | |
CNode * | cPOSEDGE (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for POSEDGE positive event qualifier. | |
CNode * | cNEGEDGE (CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for NEGEDGE negative event qualifier. | |
CNode * | cNEGEDGE (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for NEGEDGE negative event qualifier. | |
CNode * | cEDGE (CNode *a0, Edge_t a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for EDGE edge qualifier. | |
CNode * | cEDGE (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, Edge_t a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for EDGE edge qualifier. | |
CNode * | cEVOR (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for EVOR event or. | |
CNode * | cEVOR (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for EVOR event or. | |
CNode * | cDELAY (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for DELAY delay statement. | |
CNode * | cDELAY (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for DELAY delay statement. | |
CNode * | cMTM (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, CNode *a2, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for MTM min/typ/max expression. | |
CNode * | cMTM (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, CNode *a2, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for MTM min/typ/max expression. | |
CNode * | cIF (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, CNode *a2, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for IF if statement. | |
CNode * | cIF (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, CNode *a2, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for IF if statement. | |
CNode * | cFOREVER (CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for FOREVER forever statement. | |
CNode * | cFOREVER (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for FOREVER forever statement. | |
CNode * | cREPEAT (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for REPEAT repeat statement. | |
CNode * | cREPEAT (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for REPEAT repeat statement. | |
CNode * | cWHILE (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for WHILE while statement. | |
CNode * | cWHILE (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for WHILE while statement. | |
CNode * | cWAIT (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for WAIT wait statement. | |
CNode * | cWAIT (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for WAIT wait statement. | |
CNode * | cFOR (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, CNode *a2, CNode *a3, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for FOR for statement. | |
CNode * | cFOR (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, CNode *a2, CNode *a3, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for FOR for statement. | |
CNode * | cCASE (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for CASE case statement. | |
CNode * | cCASE (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for CASE case statement. | |
CNode * | cCASEX (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for CASEX casex statement. | |
CNode * | cCASEX (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for CASEX casex statement. | |
CNode * | cCASEZ (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for CASEZ casez statement. | |
CNode * | cCASEZ (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for CASEZ casez statement. | |
CNode * | cCASEITEM (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for CASEITEM case item. | |
CNode * | cCASEITEM (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for CASEITEM case item. | |
CNode * | cCASSIGN (StrengthPair_t *a0, CNode *a1, CNode *a2, CNode *a3, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for CASSIGN continious assignment. | |
CNode * | cCASSIGN (CObstack *heap, StrengthPair_t *a0, CNode *a1, CNode *a2, CNode *a3, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for CASSIGN continious assignment. | |
CNode * | cARG (CSymbol *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for ARG port connection. | |
CNode * | cARG (CObstack *heap, CSymbol *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for ARG port connection. | |
CNode * | cFUNCTION_DEF (CFunction *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for FUNCTION_DEF function definition. | |
CNode * | cFUNCTION_DEF (CObstack *heap, CFunction *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for FUNCTION_DEF function definition. | |
CNode * | cMODULE_DEF (CModule *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for MODULE_DEF module definition. | |
CNode * | cMODULE_DEF (CObstack *heap, CModule *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for MODULE_DEF module definition. | |
CNode * | cREPEAT_CONTROL (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for REPEAT_CONTROL repeat control. | |
CNode * | cREPEAT_CONTROL (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for REPEAT_CONTROL repeat control. | |
CNode * | cDELAY_CONTROL (CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for DELAY_CONTROL delay control. | |
CNode * | cDELAY_CONTROL (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for DELAY_CONTROL delay control. | |
CNode * | cEVENT_CONTROL (CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for EVENT_CONTROL event control. | |
CNode * | cEVENT_CONTROL (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for EVENT_CONTROL event control. | |
CNode * | cEXTERNAL_REF (CSymbol *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for EXTERNAL_REF external reference. | |
CNode * | cEXTERNAL_REF (CObstack *heap, CSymbol *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for EXTERNAL_REF external reference. | |
CNode * | cPORT_DEF (CPort *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for PORT_DEF port definition. | |
CNode * | cPORT_DEF (CObstack *heap, CPort *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for PORT_DEF port definition. | |
CNode * | cDEFPARAM (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for DEFPARAM defparam statement. | |
CNode * | cDEFPARAM (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for DEFPARAM defparam statement. | |
CNode * | cPATH (int a0, CNode *a1, int a2, int a3, CNode *a4, int a5, CNode *a6, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for PATH path statement. | |
CNode * | cPATH (CObstack *heap, int a0, CNode *a1, int a2, int a3, CNode *a4, int a5, CNode *a6, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for PATH path statement. | |
CNode * | cPATH_ASSIGN (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, CNode *a2, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for PATH_ASSIGN path assignment statement. | |
CNode * | cPATH_ASSIGN (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, CNode *a2, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for PATH_ASSIGN path assignment statement. | |
CNode * | cIFNONE_PATH_ASSIGN (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for IFNONE_PATH_ASSIGN ifnone path assignment statement. | |
CNode * | cIFNONE_PATH_ASSIGN (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for IFNONE_PATH_ASSIGN ifnone path assignment statement. | |
CNode * | cTRIGGER (CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for TRIGGER event trigger. | |
CNode * | cTRIGGER (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for TRIGGER event trigger. | |
CNode * | cPASSIGN (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for PASSIGN procedural assignment. | |
CNode * | cPASSIGN (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for PASSIGN procedural assignment. | |
CNode * | cDEASSIGN (CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for DEASSIGN deassign statement. | |
CNode * | cDEASSIGN (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for DEASSIGN deassign statement. | |
CNode * | cDISABLE (CSymbol *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for DISABLE disable statement. | |
CNode * | cDISABLE (CObstack *heap, CSymbol *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for DISABLE disable statement. | |
CNode * | cATTRIBUTE (CAttr *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for ATTRIBUTE attribute specification. | |
CNode * | cATTRIBUTE (CObstack *heap, CAttr *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for ATTRIBUTE attribute specification. | |
CNode * | cGIF (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, CNode *a2, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for GIF structural if statement. | |
CNode * | cGIF (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, CNode *a2, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for GIF structural if statement. | |
CNode * | cGFOR (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, CNode *a2, CNode *a3, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for GFOR structural for statement. | |
CNode * | cGFOR (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, CNode *a2, CNode *a3, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for GFOR structural for statement. | |
CNode * | cGCASE (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for GCASE structural case statement. | |
CNode * | cGCASE (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for GCASE structural case statement. | |
CNode * | cTABLE (CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for TABLE udp table. | |
CNode * | cTABLE (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for TABLE udp table. | |
CNode * | cTABLE_ENTRY (CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for TABLE_ENTRY udp table entry. | |
CNode * | cTABLE_ENTRY (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for TABLE_ENTRY udp table entry. | |
CNode * | cTABLE_SYMBOL (char *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for TABLE_SYMBOL udp table symbol. | |
CNode * | cTABLE_SYMBOL (CObstack *heap, char *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for TABLE_SYMBOL udp table symbol. | |
CNode * | cPORTLIST_END (Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for PORTLIST_END sentinal at end of port list. | |
CNode * | cPORTLIST_END (CObstack *heap, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for PORTLIST_END sentinal at end of port list. | |
CNode * | cMACRO_EXPR (const char *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for MACRO_EXPR expression represented by a macro. | |
CNode * | cMACRO_EXPR (CObstack *heap, const char *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for MACRO_EXPR expression represented by a macro. | |
CNode * | cENUM_SPEC (CSymbol *a0, CNode *a1, CNode *a2, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for ENUM_SPEC enum specification. | |
CNode * | cENUM_SPEC (CObstack *heap, CSymbol *a0, CNode *a1, CNode *a2, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for ENUM_SPEC enum specification. | |
CNode * | cMEMBER (CNode *a0, CSymbol *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for MEMBER member reference (structure, class or external. | |
CNode * | cMEMBER (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CSymbol *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for MEMBER member reference (structure, class or external. | |
CNode * | cRETURN (CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for RETURN return. | |
CNode * | cRETURN (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for RETURN return. | |
CNode * | cPREINC (CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for PREINC preincrement. | |
CNode * | cPREINC (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for PREINC preincrement. | |
CNode * | cPOSTINC (CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for POSTINC postincrement. | |
CNode * | cPOSTINC (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for POSTINC postincrement. | |
CNode * | cPREDEC (CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for PREDEC predecrement. | |
CNode * | cPREDEC (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for PREDEC predecrement. | |
CNode * | cPOSTDEC (CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for POSTDEC postdecrement. | |
CNode * | cPOSTDEC (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for POSTDEC postdecrement. | |
CNode * | cCAST (CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for CAST data type change. | |
CNode * | cCAST (CObstack *heap, CNode *a0, CNode *a1, Coord_t *loc=NULL) |
Node construction shortcut for CAST data type change. |
Short cut for creating an subtree that calculates the absolute value of an expression.
a | expression |
Short cut for creating an subtree that calculates the absolute difference between two expressions.
a | expression 1 | |
b | expression 2 |
Node construction shortcut for ADD addition.
a0 | expression 1 | |
a1 | expression 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for ADD addition.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | expression 1 | |
a1 | expression 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for ADD_ASSIGN procedural assignment with add.
a0 | event expression | |
a1 | lval | |
a2 | rval | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
CNode* cADD_ASSIGN | ( | CObstack * | heap, | |
CNode * | a0, | |||
CNode * | a1, | |||
CNode * | a2, | |||
Coord_t * | loc = NULL | |||
) | [inline] |
Node construction shortcut for ADD_ASSIGN procedural assignment with add.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | event expression | |
a1 | lval | |
a2 | rval | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for ALWAYS always block.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | ||
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for ALWAYS always block.
a0 | ||
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for ALWAYS_COMB always combinational logic block.
a0 | ||
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for ALWAYS_COMB always combinational logic block.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | ||
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for ALWAYS_FF always flip-flop block.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | ||
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for ALWAYS_FF always flip-flop block.
a0 | ||
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for ALWAYS_LATCH always latch block.
a0 | ||
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for ALWAYS_LATCH always latch block.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | ||
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for AND bitwise and.
a0 | expression 1 | |
a1 | expression 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for AND bitwise and.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | expression 1 | |
a1 | expression 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for AND_ASSIGN procedural assignment with bitwise and.
a0 | event expression | |
a1 | lval | |
a2 | rval | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
CNode* cAND_ASSIGN | ( | CObstack * | heap, | |
CNode * | a0, | |||
CNode * | a1, | |||
CNode * | a2, | |||
Coord_t * | loc = NULL | |||
) | [inline] |
Node construction shortcut for AND_ASSIGN procedural assignment with bitwise and.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | event expression | |
a1 | lval | |
a2 | rval | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for ANDANDAND triple and.
a0 | expression 1 | |
a1 | expression 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for ANDANDAND triple and.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | expression 1 | |
a1 | expression 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for ARG port connection.
a0 | port name | |
a1 | port expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for ARG port connection.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | port name | |
a1 | port expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for ARRAY dimensioned reference (array/bit select).
a0 | Reference to variable | |
a1 | List of index expressions | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for ARRAY dimensioned reference (array/bit select).
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | Reference to variable | |
a1 | List of index expressions | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for ASSIGN procedural assignment.
a0 | event expression | |
a1 | lval | |
a2 | rval | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
CNode* cASSIGN | ( | CObstack * | heap, | |
CNode * | a0, | |||
CNode * | a1, | |||
CNode * | a2, | |||
Coord_t * | loc = NULL | |||
) | [inline] |
Node construction shortcut for ASSIGN procedural assignment.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | event expression | |
a1 | lval | |
a2 | rval | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for ATTRIBUTE attribute specification.
a0 | pointer to attribute | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for ATTRIBUTE attribute specification.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | pointer to attribute | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for BLOCK_REF statement block.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | pointer to block | |
a1 | list of statements | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for BLOCK_REF statement block.
a0 | pointer to block | |
a1 | list of statements | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for CASE case statement.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | condition | |
a1 | list of case items | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for CASE case statement.
a0 | condition | |
a1 | list of case items | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for CASEITEM case item.
a0 | list of expressions (NULL for default) | |
a1 | statement | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for CASEITEM case item.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | list of expressions (NULL for default) | |
a1 | statement | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for CASEX casex statement.
a0 | condition | |
a1 | list of case items | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for CASEX casex statement.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | condition | |
a1 | list of case items | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for CASEZ casez statement.
a0 | condition | |
a1 | list of case items | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for CASEZ casez statement.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | condition | |
a1 | list of case items | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
CNode* cCASSIGN | ( | CObstack * | heap, | |
StrengthPair_t * | a0, | |||
CNode * | a1, | |||
CNode * | a2, | |||
CNode * | a3, | |||
Coord_t * | loc = NULL | |||
) | [inline] |
Node construction shortcut for CASSIGN continious assignment.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | assignment strength | |
a1 | delay expression | |
a2 | lval | |
a3 | rval expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
CNode* cCASSIGN | ( | StrengthPair_t * | a0, | |
CNode * | a1, | |||
CNode * | a2, | |||
CNode * | a3, | |||
Coord_t * | loc = NULL | |||
) | [inline] |
Node construction shortcut for CASSIGN continious assignment.
a0 | assignment strength | |
a1 | delay expression | |
a2 | lval | |
a3 | rval expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for CAST data type change.
a0 | type reference or width expression | |
a1 | expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for CAST data type change.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | type reference or width expression | |
a1 | expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for CAT concatenation operator.
a0 | expression 1 | |
a1 | expression 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for CAT concatenation operator.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | expression 1 | |
a1 | expression 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for CEQ case equal.
a0 | expression 1 | |
a1 | expression 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for CEQ case equal.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | expression 1 | |
a1 | expression 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for CNE case not equal.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | expression 1 | |
a1 | expression 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for CNE case not equal.
a0 | expression 1 | |
a1 | expression 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for COM bitwise complement.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for COM bitwise complement.
a0 | expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for COMMENT comment.
a0 | Pointer to string | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for COMMENT comment.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | Pointer to string | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for CVIR convert integer to real.
a0 | expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for CVIR convert integer to real.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for CVRI convert real to integer.
a0 | expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for CVRI convert real to integer.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for DEASSIGN deassign statement.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | lval | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for DEASSIGN deassign statement.
a0 | lval | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for DEFPARAM defparam statement.
a0 | external reference | |
a1 | expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for DEFPARAM defparam statement.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | external reference | |
a1 | expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for DELAY delay statement.
a0 | delay expression | |
a1 | statements | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for DELAY delay statement.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | delay expression | |
a1 | statements | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for DELAY_CONTROL delay control.
a0 | expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for DELAY_CONTROL delay control.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for DISABLE disable statement.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | pointer to symbol | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for DISABLE disable statement.
a0 | pointer to symbol | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for DIV divide.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | expression 1 | |
a1 | expression 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for DIV divide.
a0 | expression 1 | |
a1 | expression 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for DIV_ASSIGN procedural assignment with div.
a0 | event expression | |
a1 | lval | |
a2 | rval | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
CNode* cDIV_ASSIGN | ( | CObstack * | heap, | |
CNode * | a0, | |||
CNode * | a1, | |||
CNode * | a2, | |||
Coord_t * | loc = NULL | |||
) | [inline] |
Node construction shortcut for DIV_ASSIGN procedural assignment with div.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | event expression | |
a1 | lval | |
a2 | rval | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for EDGE edge qualifier.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | ||
a1 | edge specification | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for EDGE edge qualifier.
a0 | ||
a1 | edge specification | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Link together two nodes with an ELIST operator.
If one is NULL do not create a new node, but return the non-null argument.
n1 | subtree 1 | |
n2 | subtree 2 |
Node construction shortcut for ELIST expression list.
a0 | expression1 | |
a1 | expression2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for ELIST expression list.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | expression1 | |
a1 | expression2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for ENUM_REF reference to a enum.
a0 | Pointer to a enum | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for ENUM_REF reference to a enum.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | Pointer to a enum | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for ENUM_SPEC enum specification.
a0 | Pointer to enum base symbol | |
a1 | range expression | |
a2 | starting expression value | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
CNode* cENUM_SPEC | ( | CObstack * | heap, | |
CSymbol * | a0, | |||
CNode * | a1, | |||
CNode * | a2, | |||
Coord_t * | loc = NULL | |||
) | [inline] |
Node construction shortcut for ENUM_SPEC enum specification.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | Pointer to enum base symbol | |
a1 | range expression | |
a2 | starting expression value | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for EQ equal.
a0 | expression 1 | |
a1 | expression 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for EQ equal.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | expression 1 | |
a1 | expression 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for ERROR error node.
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for ERROR error node.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for EVENT event statement.
a0 | event expression (NULL for @*) | |
a1 | statement | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for EVENT event statement.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | event expression (NULL for @*) | |
a1 | statement | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for EVENT_CONTROL event control.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | event expression (NULL for @*) | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for EVENT_CONTROL event control.
a0 | event expression (NULL for @*) | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for EVOR event or.
a0 | expression 1 | |
a1 | expression 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for EVOR event or.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | expression 1 | |
a1 | expression 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for EXTERNAL_REF external reference.
a0 | pointer to symbol | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for EXTERNAL_REF external reference.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | pointer to symbol | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for FOR for statement.
a0 | initial statement | |
a1 | condition | |
a2 | assignment statement | |
a3 | statements | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
CNode* cFOR | ( | CObstack * | heap, | |
CNode * | a0, | |||
CNode * | a1, | |||
CNode * | a2, | |||
CNode * | a3, | |||
Coord_t * | loc = NULL | |||
) | [inline] |
Node construction shortcut for FOR for statement.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | initial statement | |
a1 | condition | |
a2 | assignment statement | |
a3 | statements | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for FORCE force statement.
a0 | lval | |
a1 | expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for FORCE force statement.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | lval | |
a1 | expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for FOREVER forever statement.
a0 | statements | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for FOREVER forever statement.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | statements | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
CNode* cFUNCTION_CALL | ( | CObstack * | heap, | |
CSymbol * | a0, | |||
CNode * | a1, | |||
CScope * | a2, | |||
Coord_t * | loc = NULL | |||
) | [inline] |
Node construction shortcut for FUNCTION_CALL call to a function.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | Pointer to symbol of the function | |
a1 | Argument expression list | |
a2 | Scope containing expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for FUNCTION_CALL call to a function.
a0 | Pointer to symbol of the function | |
a1 | Argument expression list | |
a2 | Scope containing expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for FUNCTION_DEF function definition.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | ||
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for FUNCTION_DEF function definition.
a0 | ||
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for FWD_REF reference to a forward declared variable.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | Pointer to forward declared variable | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for FWD_REF reference to a forward declared variable.
a0 | Pointer to forward declared variable | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for GATE_REF gate instance.
a0 | Pointer to a gate | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for GATE_REF gate instance.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | Pointer to a gate | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for GCASE structural case statement.
a0 | condition | |
a1 | list of case items | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for GCASE structural case statement.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | condition | |
a1 | list of case items | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for GE greater than or equal.
a0 | expression 1 | |
a1 | expression 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for GE greater than or equal.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | expression 1 | |
a1 | expression 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for GENVAR_DECL genvar declaration.
a0 | Pointer to a genvar | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for GENVAR_DECL genvar declaration.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | Pointer to a genvar | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for GENVAR_REF reference to a genvar.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | Pointer to a genvar | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for GENVAR_REF reference to a genvar.
a0 | Pointer to a genvar | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for GFOR structural for statement.
a0 | initial statement | |
a1 | condition | |
a2 | assignment statement | |
a3 | statement | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
CNode* cGFOR | ( | CObstack * | heap, | |
CNode * | a0, | |||
CNode * | a1, | |||
CNode * | a2, | |||
CNode * | a3, | |||
Coord_t * | loc = NULL | |||
) | [inline] |
Node construction shortcut for GFOR structural for statement.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | initial statement | |
a1 | condition | |
a2 | assignment statement | |
a3 | statement | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for GIF structural if statement.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | condition | |
a1 | true statement | |
a2 | false statement | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for GIF structural if statement.
a0 | condition | |
a1 | true statement | |
a2 | false statement | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for GT greater than.
a0 | expression 1 | |
a1 | expression 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for GT greater than.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | expression 1 | |
a1 | expression 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for HOOK condition expression operator.
a0 | condition expression | |
a1 | true expression | |
a2 | false expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for HOOK condition expression operator.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | condition expression | |
a1 | true expression | |
a2 | false expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for IF if statement.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | condition | |
a1 | true statements | |
a2 | false statements | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for IF if statement.
a0 | condition | |
a1 | true statements | |
a2 | false statements | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for IFNONE_PATH_ASSIGN ifnone path assignment statement.
a0 | path | |
a1 | expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
CNode* cIFNONE_PATH_ASSIGN | ( | CObstack * | heap, | |
CNode * | a0, | |||
CNode * | a1, | |||
Coord_t * | loc = NULL | |||
) | [inline] |
Node construction shortcut for IFNONE_PATH_ASSIGN ifnone path assignment statement.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | path | |
a1 | expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for INIT initial block.
a0 | ||
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for INIT initial block.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | ||
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for INSTANCE_REF instance reference.
a0 | Pointer to a instance | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for INSTANCE_REF instance reference.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | Pointer to a instance | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Short cut for creating VCONSTANT node with a given integer value.
i | integer to copy |
Node construction shortcut for LAND logical and.
a0 | expression 1 | |
a1 | expression 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for LAND logical and.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | expression 1 | |
a1 | expression 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for LE less than or equal.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | expression 1 | |
a1 | expression 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for LE less than or equal.
a0 | expression 1 | |
a1 | expression 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Short cut for linking together to nodes with a LIST operator.
A new node is created only if both operands are not NULL.
n1 | expression 1 | |
n2 | expression 2 |
Node construction shortcut for LIST list of nodes.
a0 | node 1 | |
a1 | node 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for LIST list of nodes.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | node 1 | |
a1 | node 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for LOR logical or.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | expression 1 | |
a1 | expression 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for LOR logical or.
a0 | expression 1 | |
a1 | expression 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for LSH logical left shift.
a0 | expression 1 | |
a1 | expression 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for LSH logical left shift.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | expression 1 | |
a1 | expression 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for LSH_ASSIGN procedural assignment with left shift.
a0 | event expression | |
a1 | lval | |
a2 | rval | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
CNode* cLSH_ASSIGN | ( | CObstack * | heap, | |
CNode * | a0, | |||
CNode * | a1, | |||
CNode * | a2, | |||
Coord_t * | loc = NULL | |||
) | [inline] |
Node construction shortcut for LSH_ASSIGN procedural assignment with left shift.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | event expression | |
a1 | lval | |
a2 | rval | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for LSHA arithmetic left shift.
a0 | expression 1 | |
a1 | expression 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for LSHA arithmetic left shift.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | expression 1 | |
a1 | expression 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for LSHA_ASSIGN procedural assignment with left arithmetic shift.
a0 | event expression | |
a1 | lval | |
a2 | rval | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
CNode* cLSHA_ASSIGN | ( | CObstack * | heap, | |
CNode * | a0, | |||
CNode * | a1, | |||
CNode * | a2, | |||
Coord_t * | loc = NULL | |||
) | [inline] |
Node construction shortcut for LSHA_ASSIGN procedural assignment with left arithmetic shift.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | event expression | |
a1 | lval | |
a2 | rval | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for LT less than.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | expression 1 | |
a1 | expression 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for LT less than.
a0 | expression 1 | |
a1 | expression 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for MACRO_EXPR expression represented by a macro.
a0 | alternate expression, may be NULL | |
a1 | ||
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for MACRO_EXPR expression represented by a macro.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | alternate expression, may be NULL | |
a1 | ||
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Short cut for creating a expression tree that calculates the maximum of two expressions.
n1 | expression 1 | |
n2 | expression 1 |
Node construction shortcut for MEMBER member reference (structure, class or external.
a0 | Reference to variable | |
a1 | member symbol | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for MEMBER member reference (structure, class or external.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | Reference to variable | |
a1 | member symbol | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for MOD modulus.
a0 | expression 1 | |
a1 | expression 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for MOD modulus.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | expression 1 | |
a1 | expression 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for MOD_ASSIGN procedural assignment with mod.
a0 | event expression | |
a1 | lval | |
a2 | rval | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
CNode* cMOD_ASSIGN | ( | CObstack * | heap, | |
CNode * | a0, | |||
CNode * | a1, | |||
CNode * | a2, | |||
Coord_t * | loc = NULL | |||
) | [inline] |
Node construction shortcut for MOD_ASSIGN procedural assignment with mod.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | event expression | |
a1 | lval | |
a2 | rval | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for MODULE_DEF module definition.
a0 | ||
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for MODULE_DEF module definition.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | ||
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for MSLICE vector subrange with descending index select.
a0 | index expression | |
a1 | width expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for MSLICE vector subrange with descending index select.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | index expression | |
a1 | width expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for MTM min/typ/max expression.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | minimum expression | |
a1 | typical expression | |
a2 | maximum expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for MTM min/typ/max expression.
a0 | minimum expression | |
a1 | typical expression | |
a2 | maximum expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for MUL multiply.
a0 | expression 1 | |
a1 | expression 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for MUL multiply.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | expression 1 | |
a1 | expression 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
CNode* cMUL_ASSIGN | ( | CObstack * | heap, | |
CNode * | a0, | |||
CNode * | a1, | |||
CNode * | a2, | |||
Coord_t * | loc = NULL | |||
) | [inline] |
Node construction shortcut for MUL_ASSIGN procedural assignment with mul.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | event expression | |
a1 | lval | |
a2 | rval | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for MUL_ASSIGN procedural assignment with mul.
a0 | event expression | |
a1 | lval | |
a2 | rval | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for NBASSIGN nonblocking assignment.
a0 | event expression | |
a1 | lval | |
a2 | rval | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
CNode* cNBASSIGN | ( | CObstack * | heap, | |
CNode * | a0, | |||
CNode * | a1, | |||
CNode * | a2, | |||
Coord_t * | loc = NULL | |||
) | [inline] |
Node construction shortcut for NBASSIGN nonblocking assignment.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | event expression | |
a1 | lval | |
a2 | rval | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for NE not equal.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | expression 1 | |
a1 | expression 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for NE not equal.
a0 | expression 1 | |
a1 | expression 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for NEG negation.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for NEG negation.
a0 | expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for NEGEDGE negative event qualifier.
a0 | expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for NEGEDGE negative event qualifier.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for NET_DECL net declaration.
a0 | Pointer to a net | |
a1 | continous assignment (optional) | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for NET_DECL net declaration.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | Pointer to a net | |
a1 | continous assignment (optional) | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for NET_REF reference to net.
a0 | Pointer to net | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for NET_REF reference to net.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | Pointer to net | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for NOP no operation.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for NOP no operation.
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for NOT logical complement.
a0 | expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for NOT logical complement.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for OR bitwise or.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | expression 1 | |
a1 | expression 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for OR bitwise or.
a0 | expression 1 | |
a1 | expression 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
CNode* cOR_ASSIGN | ( | CObstack * | heap, | |
CNode * | a0, | |||
CNode * | a1, | |||
CNode * | a2, | |||
Coord_t * | loc = NULL | |||
) | [inline] |
Node construction shortcut for OR_ASSIGN procedural assignment with bitwise or.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | event expression | |
a1 | lval | |
a2 | rval | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for OR_ASSIGN procedural assignment with bitwise or.
a0 | event expression | |
a1 | lval | |
a2 | rval | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for PARAM_DECL parameter declaration.
a0 | Pointer to a parameter | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for PARAM_DECL parameter declaration.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | Pointer to a parameter | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for PARAM_REF reference to parameter.
a0 | Pointer to parameter | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for PARAM_REF reference to parameter.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | Pointer to parameter | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for PASSIGN procedural assignment.
a0 | lval | |
a1 | expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for PASSIGN procedural assignment.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | lval | |
a1 | expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
CNode* cPATH | ( | int | a0, | |
CNode * | a1, | |||
int | a2, | |||
int | a3, | |||
CNode * | a4, | |||
int | a5, | |||
CNode * | a6, | |||
Coord_t * | loc = NULL | |||
) | [inline] |
Node construction shortcut for PATH path statement.
a0 | ||
a1 | edge int[-1,0,1] | |
a2 | Input list | |
a3 | Left polarity int[-1,0,1] | |
a4 | Operation type int [0 = *>, 1 = =>] | |
a5 | Output list | |
a6 | Right polarity int[-1,0,1] | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
CNode* cPATH | ( | CObstack * | heap, | |
int | a0, | |||
CNode * | a1, | |||
int | a2, | |||
int | a3, | |||
CNode * | a4, | |||
int | a5, | |||
CNode * | a6, | |||
Coord_t * | loc = NULL | |||
) | [inline] |
Node construction shortcut for PATH path statement.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | ||
a1 | edge int[-1,0,1] | |
a2 | Input list | |
a3 | Left polarity int[-1,0,1] | |
a4 | Operation type int [0 = *>, 1 = =>] | |
a5 | Output list | |
a6 | Right polarity int[-1,0,1] | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
CNode* cPATH_ASSIGN | ( | CObstack * | heap, | |
CNode * | a0, | |||
CNode * | a1, | |||
CNode * | a2, | |||
Coord_t * | loc = NULL | |||
) | [inline] |
Node construction shortcut for PATH_ASSIGN path assignment statement.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | condition | |
a1 | path | |
a2 | expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for PATH_ASSIGN path assignment statement.
a0 | condition | |
a1 | path | |
a2 | expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for PLUS unary plus.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for PLUS unary plus.
a0 | expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for PORT_DECL port declaration.
a0 | Pointer to a port | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for PORT_DECL port declaration.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | Pointer to a port | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for PORT_DEF port definition.
a0 | pointer to port | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for PORT_DEF port definition.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | pointer to port | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for PORT_REF reference to port.
a0 | Pointer to port | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for PORT_REF reference to port.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | Pointer to port | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for PORTLIST_END sentinal at end of port list.
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for PORTLIST_END sentinal at end of port list.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for POSEDGE positive event qualifier.
a0 | expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for POSEDGE positive event qualifier.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for POSTDEC postdecrement.
a0 | expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for POSTDEC postdecrement.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for POSTINC postincrement.
a0 | expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for POSTINC postincrement.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for POW exponent.
a0 | expression 1 | |
a1 | expression 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for POW exponent.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | expression 1 | |
a1 | expression 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for PRAGMA program pragma.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | Pointer to string | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for PRAGMA program pragma.
a0 | Pointer to string | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for PREDEC predecrement.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for PREDEC predecrement.
a0 | expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for PREINC preincrement.
a0 | expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for PREINC preincrement.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for PSLICE vector subrange with ascending index select.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | index expression | |
a1 | width expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for PSLICE vector subrange with ascending index select.
a0 | index expression | |
a1 | width expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for RAND reduction and.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for RAND reduction and.
a0 | expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for RANGE vector decl range specification.
a0 | msb expression, if lsb is null range is msb-1:0 | |
a1 | lsb expression, if NULL range is msb-1:0 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for RANGE vector decl range specification.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | msb expression, if lsb is null range is msb-1:0 | |
a1 | lsb expression, if NULL range is msb-1:0 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for RCONSTANT real constant.
a0 | Pointer to string | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for RCONSTANT real constant.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | Pointer to string | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
CNode* cREAL | ( | double | number | ) | [inline] |
Short cut for creating RCONSTANT node with a given double value.
number | double to copy |
Node construction shortcut for RELEASE release statement.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | lval | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for RELEASE release statement.
a0 | lval | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for REP replication operator.
a0 | replication expression | |
a1 | expression to replicate | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for REP replication operator.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | replication expression | |
a1 | expression to replicate | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for REPEAT repeat statement.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | condition | |
a1 | statements | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for REPEAT repeat statement.
a0 | condition | |
a1 | statements | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for REPEAT_CONTROL repeat control.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | expression | |
a1 | event control | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for REPEAT_CONTROL repeat control.
a0 | expression | |
a1 | event control | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for RETURN return.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | ||
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for RETURN return.
a0 | ||
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for RNAND reduction nand.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for RNAND reduction nand.
a0 | expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for RNOR reduction nor.
a0 | expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for RNOR reduction nor.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for ROR reduction or.
a0 | expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for ROR reduction or.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for RSH logical right shift.
a0 | expression 1 | |
a1 | expression 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for RSH logical right shift.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | expression 1 | |
a1 | expression 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
CNode* cRSH_ASSIGN | ( | CObstack * | heap, | |
CNode * | a0, | |||
CNode * | a1, | |||
CNode * | a2, | |||
Coord_t * | loc = NULL | |||
) | [inline] |
Node construction shortcut for RSH_ASSIGN procedural assignment with right shift.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | event expression | |
a1 | lval | |
a2 | rval | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for RSH_ASSIGN procedural assignment with right shift.
a0 | event expression | |
a1 | lval | |
a2 | rval | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for RSHA arithmetic right shift.
a0 | expression 1 | |
a1 | expression 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for RSHA arithmetic right shift.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | expression 1 | |
a1 | expression 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
CNode* cRSHA_ASSIGN | ( | CObstack * | heap, | |
CNode * | a0, | |||
CNode * | a1, | |||
CNode * | a2, | |||
Coord_t * | loc = NULL | |||
) | [inline] |
Node construction shortcut for RSHA_ASSIGN procedural assignment with right arithmetic shift.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | event expression | |
a1 | lval | |
a2 | rval | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for RSHA_ASSIGN procedural assignment with right arithmetic shift.
a0 | event expression | |
a1 | lval | |
a2 | rval | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for RXNOR reduction xnor.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for RXNOR reduction xnor.
a0 | expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for RXOR reduction xor.
a0 | expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for RXOR reduction xor.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for SLICE vector subrange.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | msb expression | |
a1 | lsb expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for SLICE vector subrange.
a0 | msb expression | |
a1 | lsb expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for SPECIFY_REF specify block.
a0 | pointer to specify structure | |
a1 | list of statements | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for SPECIFY_REF specify block.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | pointer to specify structure | |
a1 | list of statements | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for SPECPARAM_DECL specify parameter declaration.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | Pointer to a specify parameter | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for SPECPARAM_DECL specify parameter declaration.
a0 | Pointer to a specify parameter | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
CNode* cSTRING | ( | const char * | s | ) | [inline] |
Short cut for creating VCONSTANT node with a given string value.
s | string to copy |
Node construction shortcut for SUB subtract.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | expression 1 | |
a1 | expression 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for SUB subtract.
a0 | expression 1 | |
a1 | expression 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for SUB_ASSIGN procedural assignment with subtract.
a0 | event expression | |
a1 | lval | |
a2 | rval | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
CNode* cSUB_ASSIGN | ( | CObstack * | heap, | |
CNode * | a0, | |||
CNode * | a1, | |||
CNode * | a2, | |||
Coord_t * | loc = NULL | |||
) | [inline] |
Node construction shortcut for SUB_ASSIGN procedural assignment with subtract.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | event expression | |
a1 | lval | |
a2 | rval | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for SYSTASK_CALL call to enable a systask.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | Pointer to symbol for systask to call | |
a1 | Argument expression list | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for SYSTASK_CALL call to enable a systask.
a0 | Pointer to symbol for systask to call | |
a1 | Argument expression list | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for TABLE udp table.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | list of table entries | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for TABLE udp table.
a0 | list of table entries | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for TABLE_ENTRY udp table entry.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | list of table symbols | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for TABLE_ENTRY udp table entry.
a0 | list of table symbols | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for TABLE_SYMBOL udp table symbol.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | string of udp characters | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for TABLE_SYMBOL udp table symbol.
a0 | string of udp characters | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for TASK_ENABLE call to a task.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | Pointer to symbol for task to call | |
a1 | Argument expression list | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for TASK_ENABLE call to a task.
a0 | Pointer to symbol for task to call | |
a1 | Argument expression list | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for TIMING_CALL call to a timing task.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | Pointer to symbol of timing task | |
a1 | Argument expression list | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for TIMING_CALL call to a timing task.
a0 | Pointer to symbol of timing task | |
a1 | Argument expression list | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for TRIGGER event trigger.
a0 | event reference | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for TRIGGER event trigger.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | event reference | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for TYPE_REF reference to a type.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | Pointer to a typedef | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for TYPE_REF reference to a type.
a0 | Pointer to a typedef | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for TYPEDEF_DECL type declaration.
a0 | Pointer to a typedef | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for TYPEDEF_DECL type declaration.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | Pointer to a typedef | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for UCAT unary concat.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for UCAT unary concat.
a0 | expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for VAR_DECL variable declaration.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | Pointer to a variable | |
a1 | procedural assignment (optional) | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for VAR_DECL variable declaration.
a0 | Pointer to a variable | |
a1 | procedural assignment (optional) | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for VAR_REF reference to variable.
a0 | Pointer to variable | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for VAR_REF reference to variable.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | Pointer to variable | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for VCONSTANT vector constant.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | Pointer to vector | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for VCONSTANT vector constant.
a0 | Pointer to vector | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Short cut for creating VCONSTANT node with a given vector value.
vec | vector to copy |
Node construction shortcut for VRQ vrq comment.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | Pointer to string | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for VRQ vrq comment.
a0 | Pointer to string | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for WAIT wait statement.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | condition | |
a1 | statements | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for WAIT wait statement.
a0 | condition | |
a1 | statements | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for WHILE while statement.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | condition | |
a1 | statements | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for WHILE while statement.
a0 | condition | |
a1 | statements | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for WIDTH expression width change.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | width expression | |
a1 | expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for WIDTH expression width change.
a0 | width expression | |
a1 | expression | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for XNOR bitwise xnor.
a0 | expression 1 | |
a1 | expression 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for XNOR bitwise xnor.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | expression 1 | |
a1 | expression 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for XOR bitwise xor.
a0 | expression 1 | |
a1 | expression 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for XOR bitwise xor.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | expression 1 | |
a1 | expression 2 | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
Node construction shortcut for XOR_ASSIGN procedural assignment with bitwise xor.
a0 | event expression | |
a1 | lval | |
a2 | rval | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |
CNode* cXOR_ASSIGN | ( | CObstack * | heap, | |
CNode * | a0, | |||
CNode * | a1, | |||
CNode * | a2, | |||
Coord_t * | loc = NULL | |||
) | [inline] |
Node construction shortcut for XOR_ASSIGN procedural assignment with bitwise xor.
heap | heap to use for allocation | |
a0 | event expression | |
a1 | lval | |
a2 | rval | |
loc | coordinates of operation in source file [optional] |